Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Computer

Well, altho I have had my old computer fixed several times, it just wouldn't stay fixed so I had to go find a little one I could afford.  After looking around quite a bit and doing without a computer and having to use others for the occasional things I had to do, I found a little netbook at Best Buy for less than $250.00 and that I could afford to get after saving a little money up for it.  Hard to save money when you don't have a lot coming in, but I was going thru serious computer withdrawal.  That and I couldn't access my book files without one and couldn't get it written if I couldn't access them... I saved them to an external thumb drive this time...

Aaannnnnyyyywwwwaaaaayyyyy, I now have a new little netbook.  It's kind of neat to use, very small, no CD drive, no extra's except as externals of course, but since I don't use the CD much anyway I don't really miss it and I can always get an external one that plugs into a USB port if I really want one.  Not on my priority list tho. I have taken the old one into Best Buy to their GeekSquad to fix up again, they tell me it shouldn't be too bad and when I get it back Abbi will be able to use it as well... she likes to download things... I won't do that on this little one as the hard drive isn't as big altho I never got close to getting the other drives I had in the other computer filled.

Now to the other news of the house... It has been an eventful time for our family.  Abbi has gone skating with her school, they had pajama day at school and it was fun to see her there in pj's, and we have had some wonderful times doing things outside when we can and inside when we can.  Abbi had learned how to make herself eggs, mostly scrambled as she has a tendency to break them but she's getting better. Now she wants to learn to make rice as that's one of her favourite things to eat along with veges, she's not a big meat eater at all. Salads are her favourite, imagine an 8 year old that likes veges, ALL kinds of veges including Asparagus, and doesn't put up a fight about eating them... the only thing she doesn't like is sweet potatoes... and I can live with that! Today we are making bread because Abbi's home from school with the Croup.  She's seriously not feeling well, but has energy enough to do things and then takes the time to rest so we are making bread (we need it anyway) learning how to make rice, making chicken for dinner and washing clothes. Even tho Abbi is sick, we are having fun and taking cuddle breaks as we need them :) It's a good day for us both and relaxing as well...

I will be posting pics later, as soon as I figure out how to get them from my camera onto this new computer... well off to do the rice!

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