Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Abbi's teeth...

Abbi went to the dentist and had a cavity that had already been filled but the filling had fallen out so the dentist cleaned it up and refilled it.  Abbi was thrilled, and she is the only child I know that LIKES going to the dentist.  She went back to have her teeth cleaned and was thrilled with how white they are now!  Makes getting her to actually brushing her teeth easier now.  She has one more appointment to have her teeth sealed and see if her adult teeth are actually going to come in sometime as the baby teeth are coming out but the permanent teeth have not come down yet altho it's been months. Abbi is really excited about it and can hardly wait! Weird child...

I had the opportunity to drive into New Westminster the other day for an info session on the Women in Trades course they are currently offering.  This is what the day and the drive looked like...

1 comment:

  1. Sam loves going to the dentist... he likes his clean teeth.. he just like keeping them clean.
