Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Once Again!

 I have this thing about Christmas! I love it! Every year I look forward to the lights, the spirit of the season and the kids, Christmas morning, kids opening presents, the infamous Christmas dinner where you eat way, way too much because it's all so good, etc.  Things have been especially hard this year because of events that have happened with my ex, but as the season has come around my mood has lightened somewhat and I have decorated my house with the little bit that I have and watched the lights and the tree (it's only 16" high) that I strung one whole 150 light string on. The other string of lights is draped over my vertical blinds so my sliding glass door is outlined with colourful lights. I've spent some time making Christmas cards and ornaments for friends and family and truly enjoyed myself! Altho we will be having a lean Christmas this year, it's still going to be a good one and I sincerely hope all my children and grandchildren know how much I love them.

These are the two best pictures of my little tree, you can't really see all the lights but there are 150 of them on there!

We are spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at my Aunt Donna's and Uncle John's place.  They have invited Abbi and I to stay over and do Christmas there and we were thrilled to accept! My Aunt made the excuse that I have to help her with prepping Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve and then helping to cook on Christmas Day, but that is a small price to pay to spend the holidays with my family! I'm grateful they thought of me, I'm not able to be with my own kids and grandkids this year up in Prince George so being with my Aunt and Uncle is the next best thing!  Abbi and I are excited!

I know my kids up in Prince George are having a rough time but I hope they get into the spirit, know that I love them all and wish them a very Merry Christmas and I can't wait to hear all about it!  I want pictures people, pictures! I will have fun posting mine as well... btw, I LOVE my new camera!! It's entirely fun to play with it and take pictures... :) I've run the battery down a few times now taking all kinds of pictures but it has a neat little charger for the battery and it doesn't take long to charge up which means I can take more pictures!! I can't imagine how expensive this would be if I had to actually replace batteries...  ;-)  It is a wonderful gift Dyanne, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. The tree is cute. Glad you are getting that light hearted feeling again. We Love you too.
