Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I am travelling...

Today I finished taking most of my stuff over to the storage unit. My home teachers helped me do it and I appreciated their help. Tomorrow my son-in-law is coming over to take the TV off the wall and help me with the last few things in the house and the sisters are coming over to help clean the place... there really isn't that much to do any more... Abbi's room and the Craft room are emptied and washed down... I have closed the doors after checking them out. I only have my room, the bathroom and the kitchen to do. I have washed all the clothes, done all the bedding and cleaned as I went, but it will be nice to have someone else check it out for me. My landlord wants to do a check tomorrow and wants me to mow the lawn tomorrow as well, I have told him I will mow the lawn on Thursday and not before. I know he doesn't know that my body is screaming at  me most of the time these days but I have until midnight on the 30th of June to be out of there. That's Thursday and that's it...

Anyway, I am leaving on my new adventures on Friday, July 1st! I am excited to do so! I am meeting friends of mine and travelling around for the summer. I am going to explore Canada and even perhaps the US as well. I have my passport, it's still in my married name, but I will update it when I get the chance. I intend to go see Niagra Falls, Newfoundland, P.E.I., Nova Scotia (perhaps I will visit my Uncle out there), Quebec, Ontario (where I was born) and who knows where else... I have never done much travelling before, I mostly stayed around BC and Alberta and the north western part of Washington. This is a whole new adventure for me and I am excited about it! I also have people who are willing to travel with me! I won't be alone while I'm seeing the country! That's the best part... spending time with good friends and getting to do new things!

I know Bill would like to put a damper on things, he does that ... or tries anyway... but I have come to the conclusion that he's less than an irritant in my life. I can do pretty much what I want and he will find some way to ruin it for me ... except that he can't do that anymore ... he just doesn't have that power over me anymore and it is freeing to know that. He thinks he can force me to do what he wants regarding Abbi and Krysti and doesn't really understand that he can't make me... you know we could have been friends if it weren't for him being such a narcissist, mean and hateful like he is. I am tempted to talk to his Bishop about his hateful behaviour that is ongoing, but that would mean I'd have to care and I do my best not to.

I am still really, really angry at Krysti and Abbi and it is hard to forgive them for the stunt they pulled. I am trying my best not to be spiteful and vindictive but it is not always easy when things come up that are a result of their stupidity and hurtfulness. I just want to hurt them like they hurt me but also realize that this is not the way the Lord would have me be. It is hard to forgive them for hurting me so badly and I feel as if there is a wall around my heart, protecting me from being hurt again. It sits there and colours the things I do... just about everything I do. I try not to make it an issue as it really won't get me anywhere but there it remains. That's part of why I decided to go travelling this summer. I need to get away from the situation for awhile. I need to absent myself from everything that's been going on and give myself a chance to heal. I am broken in more ways than one over all this stuff and I know it's bad this time... but I will get better... I always do and things will be great for me again. I just need patience and time and being around people who really like me... I am very in need of that right now...

Well, this entry is getting long, but future entries will include pics of my travels! I am sooooo looking forward to this! A new experience, a new life ... it's marvelous!

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