Sunday, May 12, 2013

I am here...

Amongst all the things I have been doing, I have forgotten this blog. I know I need to catch up on all the things that have happened but I will not do it all at once. One of the most significant things that has happened is that last year I fell down some basement stairs and broke my foot in half... YES in half... I had six breaks in my foot and not the good clean kind, I had the nastier kind... they are called a Lisfranc fracture and basically it is that the tendons and ligaments remain intact but the bone they are attached to is shattered and powder. Most of the time these kinds of fractures need surgery to repair but I was one of the lucky ones and didn't actually need the surgery... I had stayed off it.. more or less.. and so had escaped the surgery stuff.

My foot was so swollen and black and blue...the skin was tight on it and it felt sometimes like it was going to rip... but because of the type of fractures they were I had to have a CAT scan to diagnose them and another to make sure they were healing. Originally I had a fiberglass cast about two weeks after breaking it and had to completely stay off it for another 6 weeks. They refused to put on a walking cast as well so I wouldn't walk on it and have I ever mentioned I hate crutches?? Well, I do!!!

I actually had to have the casts changed a couple of times until they finally let me wear an aircast which I borrowed from Aunt Donna for the rest of the time. I couldn't look after myself so I thought it would be good for Abbi to be able to spend some time with her Dad... not a mistake I will ever make again... Despite not being able to walk or do more than crawl of go slowly on my crutches (which I never really got the hang of) I did survive and altho I still cannot walk long distances, run or jump or go without orthotics anymore... I am at least able to do things for myself these days.

I have moved... again... into a basement suite... actually a middle suite as there is a suite below mine and the landlords live above me and I truly love it here. I have a full deck to myself, sliding glass doors in both my living room and my bedroom and whenever Abbi comes home there is a bedroom for her as well... In the summer the yard is very private and it is a great view of the trees and flowers and the huge yard.. in the winter when there are no leaves on the trees there is a great view of Abbotsford and the city lights. It is awesome as well because my deck is covered and altho the edges get wet in the rain, the main deck doesn't and I can sit out there and enjoy the weather and the view and not worry about things... I have my rocking chair out there and even in the winter I will take a blanket and go sit out there at night when it's quiet. I haven't laid on the lawn yet, but when the weather is nice and I can see the stars I will.  

I like to sit in my rocker and enjoy the view... and yes I'm growing tomatoes out there this year.

The back of the yard goes into a gully that is also part of the yard. I haven't explored down there yet, but I am going to on a sunny morning with no rain...

I have a little patio just outside my door to get in. I wasn't able to fit my patio table onto my deck so I have it on this little patio. Every now and then I take a chair out to it and sit and write...

It's a beautiful spot to be in and I love where I live.

Anyway, Happy Mother's Day to those out there who are mothers. I hope it was all you wanted it to be.

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