Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snow?? Here??

A few days ago we had a dump of snow that is unusual for here in Abbotsford.  We are in a temperate rain forest here so snow is almost non-existant.  We mostly get rain but while my daughter was visiting we got a dump of about 4-5 inches of snow... I think she brought it with her from Prince George! This is a picture she snapped as she was walking upstairs in the apartment I live in of me taking the snow off my car so I could go pick up Abbi and Cloe from Auntie Jan's.  It wasn't really cold but just cold enough to make the snow but the next day... we had no snow...
Green everywhere and NO SNOW in one day!!  It was kind of nice altho we've had a good rain almost daily ever since with a sun break here and there once in a while. I will say that I love the mild weather, but the snow was just too much... too much like Prince George or Calgary or Lethbridge... I like the rain better.

Abbi had her Christmas concert yesterday and she did wonderfully!! She performed Feliz Navidad with her class and Moon in the Winter with the Aboriginal kids.  I, of course, took hundreds of pictures altho they asked us not to take them while the kids were performing as it was distracting for them.  Anyway, Abbi wanted her hair up with colourful laces in them so this is what it looked like...

 Her hair stayed in nicely, altho she tells me the colourful laces kept coming out... I think she just played with them 'cause I had put it into the elastics in her hair to hold them.. :)

She also tied colourful laces to her shirt and was very, very please with herself for being so colourful for her concert.  It was cute! Can't you just see the mischief in that child's smile! 

This is her class getting ready to sing Feliz Navidad, you can see Abbi in the purple shirt.  The little girl with the long, long hair standing to the right as you look at the picture is Abbi's best friend, Tameeka.  They hug each other every morning when they get to school like they haven't seen each other in such a long time...  ;)

Next came the Aboriginal kids and Abbi had to run from her class over to where the Aboriginal kids were so she could sing with them.  I was fortunate as the Aboriginal kids only performed this in the afternoon performance of the Christmas concert.  I had a RS Christmas dinner that night so had chosen to go to the afternoon performance.  The kids did a wonderful job and the ones who didn't get to see it really missed out!

It was quite a pretty little song with a haunting melody.  I really liked it and would like to get my hands on a copy so I could practice it...

The kids in the school had done all the decorating for the concert and they actually were narrating like it was an infomercial for music from John Maclure  :).  Apparently you could get the collection for just $39.99! {Side note: there were no music discs for sale... I was disappointed}

This was some of the wall decorations... see the ad for the music cd's?  I have to admit it was cute...

The Christmas Trees the kids decorated in the Gym for the concert... they were gone when we went to the early morning breakfast this morning.

It was a really nice concert and the kids all did a really good job!!!

I am really proud of Abbi and all the kids who participated.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! Interesting take on presenting the concert as an infomercial. Might have to take that idea to my school. Loved the pictures. Wish our streets at least would melt like that.
